Degree show coming up, starting to curate!

Our final exhibition, our degree show is about 6 weeks away, with the Private View on 10/06/2016. It's all about curating now, so I'm looking at my work so far and thinking about which pieces will work well together, reflecting the concept of my work,  but also working well aesthetically, allowing each piece space to be.   I've put them up in my studio space, there are too many pieces, too close together in this arrangement and it might be a good idea to make more paintings of new subjects from nature.

I think each piece needs its own space no matter the size, A4 or bus stop poster (40x60") each needs to be appreciated for its own qualities.

Looking at the works together I think it would be good to make some more paintings using the same photographs but different sizes. Playing with size and scale to intrigue the viewer (hopefully!).